How to Change Your ASUS Wi-Fi Password

Changing your WiFi password on a regular basis is a simple approach to improve the security of your network—after all, it’s far more difficult to steal a password that is always changing!

Users will find it simple to generate a new WiFi password with the help of ASUS. Simply having a PC linked to the ASUS network will be enough.

1. Log into the ASUS router

To change the WiFi password on your ASUS router, you must first log into the device. This will get you access to a web-based dashboard that includes Wireless configuration options.

You’ll need to go into your ASUS router to change your WiFi password. This will take you to a web-based dashboard where you may configure your wireless settings.

If you don’t already have it, you’ll need to have or find the network security key you want to change.

2. Access Wireless settings

To open the wireless settings, navigate to the following location:

  • Click Wireless on the left-hand navigation pane
  • Look under the General tab
  • Scroll until you see a field labeled Pre-shared key

3. Set a new WiFi password

Fill in the Pre-shared key area with a new WiFi password. Use a password manager like 1Password or try to create a password that is both random and safe.

4. Save your changes

Save your settings and use a wireless device to test your new WiFi password.

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